
7 days ago
7 days ago
In today's Distortion of the Day!, I talk about Pessimistic Bias. Distortions of the Day! are brief episodes running under 10 minutes where I introduce psychological concepts in a fun, practical, useful way.
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Friday Jul 05, 2024
Friday Jul 05, 2024
I enjoyed a fascinating and lively conversation with well renowned psychologist, Dr. Carl Jung. Today we discussed basic principles in the theories Dr. Jung has developed over the years, including the meaning of dreams, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. Dr. Jung discussed how his own life path has helped him develop his influential theories, including his religious upbringing, his early work as a psychiatrist working with Dr. Eugene Bleuler, and his well known collegial relationship and then split with Dr. Sigmund Frued.
Wait.... What? Yes, Dr. Jung passed away in 1961.
Today's interview with Dr. Jung launches my new project -- interviews with influential thinkers and clinicians who have passed away but remain prominent figures in the development of the field. I utilize artificial intelligence to clone and recreate the voices of these figures, and to create meaningful dialogue in an interview format consistent with the Mind Tricks Radio format.
Please take a listen and let me know what you think. The technology is not perfect, but I will be working to refine the process over time. Please let me know if you have any requests or suggestions for future interviews. Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Episode 60: Distortion of the Day! Emotional Reasoning, with Dr. Aaron Kaplan
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
In today's Distortion of the Day!, I talk about Emotional Reasoning. Distortions of the Day! are brief episodes running under 10 minutes where I introduce psychological concepts in a fun, practical, useful way.
Thanks for tuning in!

Friday Nov 25, 2022
Episode 59: Distortion of the Day! Personalization, with Dr. Aaron Kaplan
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
In today's Distortion of the Day!, I talk about Personalization. Distortions of the Day! are brief episodes running under 10 minutes where I introduce psychological concepts in a fun, practical, useful way.
Thanks for tuning in!

Monday Nov 21, 2022
Episode 58: Nurturing Adult Friendships, with Dr. Andrea Bonior
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022
I enjoyed a lively conversation today with Dr. Andrea Bonior, a licensed Clinical Psychologist and faculty member of Georgetown University. Dr. Bonior spoke with me today about nurturing adult friendships, and the importance of friendships to both physical and emotional health and well-being. She talked about many aspects of friendships, including:
- picking and maintaining the right friends for your personality
- recognizing when friendships are healthy versus unhealthy
- how life events can challenge friendships and how to face these challenges
- recognizing the normal ebbs and flows of friendships
- differences between males and females on making and maintaining friendships
- frindships and social media
- simple suggestions for nurturing existing friendships
Dr. Bonior recently launched her own psychology podcast called Baggage Check: Mental Health Talk and Advice, which premiered November 1st. Baggage Check is about getting real regarding mental health and making listeners part of the conversation. She’s written several books on topics of psychology, including THE FRIENDSHIP FIX about topics related to Adult Friendships.
Dr. Bonior is a frequent commentator in media outlets such as NPR, CNN, The Today Show, The NY Times, and the Washington Post, and her Psychology Today blog has been read more than 25 million times. She speaks to audiences large and small about work-life balance and mental and emotional health.

Friday Nov 18, 2022
Episode 57: Distortion of the Day! Mind Reading, with Dr. Aaron Kaplan
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
In today's Distortion of the Day!, I talk about Mind Reading. Distortions of the Day! are brief episodes running under 10 minutes where I introduce psychological concepts in a fun, practical, useful way.
Thanks for tuning in!

Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
I enjoyed a lively conversation with Dr Michelle P. Maidenberg, a psychotherapist in private practice in Harrison, NY. I interviewed Dr. Maidenberg about her new book, “Ace Your Life: Unleash Your Best Self and Live the Life You Want.” This book is packed with all sorts of meaningful explanations and pointers about Core Values, Growth Mindset, Radical Self-Acceptance, Compassion, and Empowerment.
Dr. Maidenberg is an adjunct faculty member at New York University teaching a graduate course in Mindfulness Practice. She is the Co-Founder and Clinical Director of “Thru My Eyes”, a nonprofit organization that offers free clinically-guided videotaping to chronically medically ill individuals who want to leave video legacies for their children and loved ones.
Dr. Maidenberg is also the author of the book “Free Your Child From Overeating" 53 Mind-Body Strategies For Lifelong Health” and her new book She writes the Psychology Today Blog: Being Your Best Self and is a contributing editor of the journal GROUP. She is dedicated and invested in health and mental health advocacy.

Friday Nov 11, 2022
Episode 55: Distortion of the Day! Overgeneralization, with Dr. Aaron Kaplan
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
In today's Distortion of the Day!, I talk about Overgeneralization. Distortions of the Day! are brief episodes running under 10 minutes where I introduce psychological concepts in a fun, practical, useful way.
Thanks for tuning in!

Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
I enjoyed a fun conversation with Dr. Dianne Grande, a Clinical Psychologist in private practice in the western suburbs of Chicago. We talked about the ways in which people take too much responsibility for others as Caretakers, Enablers, and Rescuers. Dr. Grande talks about how people get into unhealthy dynamics with others that are marked by dependency, resentment, and helplessness, and ways in which people can change this dynamics for themselves and their relationships with others.
Dr. Grande publishes articles on mental health topics for the Choosing Therapy website. She also writes monthly blogs on various topics including communication skills, emotional vulnerability and connection, self-esteem, and expectations in marriage. Her blog, titled “In It Together,” is published on Psychology Today’s website.

Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
In today's Distortion of the Day!, I talk about Jumping to Conclusions.
The reason why Jumping to Conclusions can be such a problem is it can cause you to make rash or wrong decisions based on a lack of accurate information.
Thanks for tuning in!